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Cultural Activities Center
3011 N. 3rd St, Temple, TX 76501

Central Texas Art League serves as a support organization of the Cultural Activities Center as the central location for programs to develop new and innovative ways to bring central Texas residents and the arts together by inspiring exploration, involvement, and enjoyment in the arts. As a CTAL member, you are entitled to attend all of our general meetings, use the CAC art room during open studio, and participate in all CTAL sponsored events, including member exhibits. Our members contribute through volunteer efforts to ensure our events are successful and beneficial to all. New specialty guild meetings focus on a specific discipline with the Arts for members to share ideas, try new products and learn a new technique. These meetings are Free to the CTAL members except for the cost of materials at some meetings.
Upcoming Meetings
CTAL General Meeting/Gatherings
First Tuesdays of the month will be our get together dates. We will have an artist talks and creative activities.
If you would like to present, or have a suggestion for an artist that would like to speak to the group,
please reach out to Lindsay to add it to the schedule
Open Studio "Meet-Up" Wednesdays
Space is available in the downstairs art room at the CAC for CTAL members by reservation. Note that in the summer, the downstairs art room is used for some of the summer camp sessions for children during the day.
If you wish to meet up with other CTAL members to create or come on your own to create,
stop by the office and let us know!
Become a Member of CTAL
Membership to the Central Texas Art League is $40 dollars per year. Membership fees are collected starting in July and the monthly meetings begin in August.
The CAC is a non-profit membership organization. You can join the CAC with at least an Individual membership of $25.00 (other levels of membership are available). Your renewal date is 12 months after your initial payment of dues.
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